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Vampires Pets Vampires Pets That Are Easy to Draw

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Carissa Wu
Very mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, romance between Nico and Khloe is well written and pretty sweet. I love the side characters Xander and Doe and imo they are more interesting than the main couple.

On the other hand, the setting of the book does disturb me, a lot. The power difference between the vampires and the humans is too much. Humans are kept in cages, whipped, enslaved, and deprived of their basic rights by their vampire masters...And we are supposed to be fine with this? I

Very mixed feelings about this one. On one hand, romance between Nico and Khloe is well written and pretty sweet. I love the side characters Xander and Doe and imo they are more interesting than the main couple.

On the other hand, the setting of the book does disturb me, a lot. The power difference between the vampires and the humans is too much. Humans are kept in cages, whipped, enslaved, and deprived of their basic rights by their vampire masters...And we are supposed to be fine with this? I think I would like the book more if there was more rebellion/attempt to destroy the system by either the humans or the vampires, otherwise the way the author tries to frame it seems like acceptance of a very disgusting and morally corrupt system.

From the way Khloe tells it, it's almost as if her parents and her friend who tries to save her are bad people for going against the vampires who see them as objects. Rather, she accepts the world which limits humans as literal property and even shows disdain towards humans who challenge the system (like the guy who tries to rebel against giving blood).

Besides Khloe, other characters in the story actively participates in the oppression. Nico and Xander both buy pets despite knowing that most of them come from systematic rape. They do this knowing that by buying pets, they are supporting the breeders and pet shop owners with their money. Nico is additionally implied to have a considerable amount of political power due to his family connections, yet he never utilizes this power in a positive way and only expresses sympathy for the humans. His attitude is more than often "I feel bad about it but whatever I'm just gonna be here and not do anything".

Overall I can't support a book where an author tries to create an almost pro-oppression narrative and I think it's almost insensitive to do so in the context of the social justice movements going on today.

Lauren Higgins
So I did read this all the way through. I was intrigued by the world the author created and the plot. This book is heavily plot driven. And while I liked the book enough to finish, I did have issues with some of the story, character development, and writing style.

So a quick recap (no spoilers, promise!): Khloe is a human in a world run by vampires. Each city now has a vampire lord to oversee it all, with other vampires under him, and then the richer humans under them. The poorer or less fortuna

So I did read this all the way through. I was intrigued by the world the author created and the plot. This book is heavily plot driven. And while I liked the book enough to finish, I did have issues with some of the story, character development, and writing style.

So a quick recap (no spoilers, promise!): Khloe is a human in a world run by vampires. Each city now has a vampire lord to oversee it all, with other vampires under him, and then the richer humans under them. The poorer or less fortunate humans were slaves, pets, taken to the slaughter house for blood, or used for sex slaves. So Khloe, the protagonist, is taken to a "pet shop" for vampires after her family attempts to escape the vampire-run city. She has nightmares and the "pet master" whips her for crying. In walks Nico the vampire, who takes one look at her and buys her. The rest of the story unfolds from there. I love a good vampire story, but I feel as though the author took on too much for this world to be fully developed. For example, some humans were "free" to live and work in the city for a simple blood donation once every two months or so, while other humans were enslaved. I thought that was an odd dynamic. It would have made sense for all humans to live a certain way, in my opinion, either enslaved or "free." I also thought the handling of human pets by human slaves was strange. The humans could help each other out, I would think, therefore, all handling of humans by vampires would seem to make more sense. It also didn't seem to make sense that the human pets wore collars and leashes. If they had collars on when they were alone, what stopped them from taking them off? They have fingers. I would think when they were leashed that at least their hands would have been tied or something. Also, I was very confused by the structure of the vampires themselves. It seems like they're just like humans, except they are strong, more beautiful, and drink blood. They can apparently eat food, have heart beats, sleep in beds, and they can walk around in the daylight. I don't mind writers taking liberty with recreating the vampire myth at all, but I really didn't see too many differences to humans. And it isn't until the very end of the book that the reader really understands the vampires of this world. That would have been better placed at the beginning of the story.

The story itself is told in the point of view of two characters - Nico the vamp and Khloe his human pet. These characters could have been better developed using that first person pov, but it was primarily used to express their thoughts. The writing style could have varied to develop these characters, but it just read the same. Without the text that expressed the viewpoint, I would not have noticed much change.

Lastly, the writing style itself needs a lot of improvement. There were numerous grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and the descriptions were severely lacking. For example, at one point, Khloe's eyes were compared to an owl's. That's all it said. I wasn't quite sure what the author was attempting with that simile. In another moment, the author had written that a particular room had good smells wafting from it. I wanted to know - what good smells? What food were they eating? What decorated the room? Food and meals took a priority in the novel, but after the first few chapters, the details of all of that disappeared, much to my disappointment. It's those little details that really make a story come alive. There is a sequel, but I will not be reading it. I'm satisfied with the way the first one ended. I feel like with a little more work, some editing, and revision, this could potentially be a publishable work of writing and gain a wider audience of readers.

Michelle Ray
I love the connection between Nico and Khloe and I'm happy they are going to try and make it work. I felt like this was an introduction to their story. Also the societal divisions (slaves, pets, etc.) is pretty messed up…
Max C.
Jul 13, 2021 rated it did not like it
Yeah, as nice as the story is, and it's a free read even, I cannot love this book. A lot of horrific stuff happens and it's just waved away as normal, which I suppose in this world it is, but it's also not something I can support even in fiction.

Like, I believe it, too, to some extent, but I always hate it when every supernatural baddie looks down on humans as nothing but cattle or hunting game, They get enslaved, and when humans are doing nothing to change that situation, I just can't accept i

Yeah, as nice as the story is, and it's a free read even, I cannot love this book. A lot of horrific stuff happens and it's just waved away as normal, which I suppose in this world it is, but it's also not something I can support even in fiction.

Like, I believe it, too, to some extent, but I always hate it when every supernatural baddie looks down on humans as nothing but cattle or hunting game, They get enslaved, and when humans are doing nothing to change that situation, I just can't accept it. Call it whatever you like, but I kept thinking some kinda rebellion would be happening, but no. The best we get is Nico feeling sorry for humans every now and then, and because he falls in love with Khloe wants her to live and be free, but doesn't extend this to other humans.

The way people are treated is deplorable. In my head, just to accept that I read all of the first book, I merged this story with another I read, and basically, all/most of the vampires are killed/brought to heel. In that story, humans become aware of shape shifters and other supernatural creatures, there's a war of sorts, and dragons (dragons!!!) divide the land into territories (7) and take over so everything is calm. It's not 100% perfect either because a couple of those dragons are tyrants that deserve a quick and painful death, but it's a lot better than this world because that is not universal, and the other dragons at least openly feel distaste and want to change the situation, but territories. It's no different from our own world, where you can't do anything about an oppressive government, but most of the world has freedom. Even if people, specifically humans, rebel, the dragons don't care so everyone has to learn to play nice.

I kept imagining someone coming up and rebelling or something, but the vampires are too powerful and have literally been breeding humans to be weaker, we also don't know how long it's been or exactly when this is taking place so I wonder how humans just let this all happen. I hate the status quo in this world. If someone can tell me they fight against it in book 2 (though I read the first six chapters and the final chapter of that book and just don't see it) please let me know. I hate not finishing a story once I start it.

Jun 11, 2022 rated it it was amazing
Please oml this book (its on wattpad) is literally my comfort book and the book that I will forever and always recommend. The slow burn is just amazing and the writing is outstanding considering it was written when the author was only 13! Greatest book, I love it. <3
Jana Medonosova
Even tough I thought I am not a "vampire-story" person, I could not put this down until I knew if they get their HEA :) Even tough I thought I am not a "vampire-story" person, I could not put this down until I knew if they get their HEA :) ...more
Apr 07, 2022 rated it liked it
I very much enjoyed it. I'm a big person on fiction and fantasy but i did not expect to enjoy it at all. It was lovely and i first read it on wattpad. Though i enjoyed it there is a few issues i have.

A lot of it is with the ways Vampires treat the humans, and it comes off as normal, and the power Xander and Nico have could easily stop alot of things but they dont really seem to do anything, yes they are against it but they dont do anything.

And with Khole, she acts like her friends and her dad

I very much enjoyed it. I'm a big person on fiction and fantasy but i did not expect to enjoy it at all. It was lovely and i first read it on wattpad. Though i enjoyed it there is a few issues i have.

A lot of it is with the ways Vampires treat the humans, and it comes off as normal, and the power Xander and Nico have could easily stop alot of things but they dont really seem to do anything, yes they are against it but they dont do anything.

And with Khole, she acts like her friends and her dad were doing wrong, which is horrible considering she was beaten and hurt by Vampires.

Also the main couple dont really seem like they would be the main couple in the story. Personally Xander and Doe's relationship seem more like a main couple, and you definitely see that in the books Prey and Predator.

Jul 04, 2022 rated it liked it
I want to say I loved the story. It was unpredictable, it was romantic, it was full of emotional scenes. But I can't fall in love with the female main character, Khloe. She's basically a terrified, simple, unintelligent, clingy, weakling of a human who lives to love and serve Nico. Which is fine, I guess, since that's their dynamic. Nico, at least, develops. But she's basically a sex doll - literally a cute, pliable, no-backbone woman with big boobs and is a willing bedmate LOL I guess guys like I want to say I loved the story. It was unpredictable, it was romantic, it was full of emotional scenes. But I can't fall in love with the female main character, Khloe. She's basically a terrified, simple, unintelligent, clingy, weakling of a human who lives to love and serve Nico. Which is fine, I guess, since that's their dynamic. Nico, at least, develops. But she's basically a sex doll - literally a cute, pliable, no-backbone woman with big boobs and is a willing bedmate LOL I guess guys like that? I just needed to fall in love with her and I didn't. That said, it wasn't a waste of time reading this book. It was entertaining. (This is the same review I posted on the second book, Love & Loss, since it's basically the same story and Vampire's Pet is Part 1) ...more
Jul 29, 2022 rated it it was amazing
Ugh I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. When Cannoness announced that this book was going to be in paperback, I without hesitation brought the book on Amazon. I first read Vampires Pet on wattpad four years ago and I ATE it up (and still do). Once I got it in the mail, I just had to reread it and annotate it! I love stories with vampires and humans together. Khloe's and Nico's story is truly amazing and I just love everything about them and this book. And I'm definitely picturing Nico as a hot ass vamp
Ugh I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH. When Cannoness announced that this book was going to be in paperback, I without hesitation brought the book on Amazon. I first read Vampires Pet on wattpad four years ago and I ATE it up (and still do). Once I got it in the mail, I just had to reread it and annotate it! I love stories with vampires and humans together. Khloe's and Nico's story is truly amazing and I just love everything about them and this book. And I'm definitely picturing Nico as a hot ass vampire. I just love on he treats her good from the minute he got her and loved to see their feelings for one another begin to grow.
Oct 25, 2021 rated it really liked it
(4.5 stars) Okay so… I soooo didn't except to like this book. At. All. I read it off of wattpad. Which is automatically setting the bar pretty low. But I really liked it, I enjoyed the romance, the concept that I've toyed around with in my mind for a long time the idea of humans being kept as pets. I've of course heard of stories written about the concept but this is the first one that I actually read. The writing was easy to follow, and although the main character is a bit timid at times, I fin (4.5 stars) Okay so… I soooo didn't except to like this book. At. All. I read it off of wattpad. Which is automatically setting the bar pretty low. But I really liked it, I enjoyed the romance, the concept that I've toyed around with in my mind for a long time the idea of humans being kept as pets. I've of course heard of stories written about the concept but this is the first one that I actually read. The writing was easy to follow, and although the main character is a bit timid at times, I find it important and a good show of mind manipulation. ...more
Nov 22, 2021 rated it liked it
3/5 ⭐️

Honestly, I don't really know how to feel about this book. It was definitely entertaining and it's a slow burn romance on wattpad. The ending usually defines the book for me and the ending was good. I'll definitely be reading book 2. Though I must add, it did take forever for the two characters to get together. I mean if you have the patience to read that, go for the book. The chapters aren't very long either, which I don't really mind. The author is definitely talented to write a whole bo

3/5 ⭐️

Honestly, I don't really know how to feel about this book. It was definitely entertaining and it's a slow burn romance on wattpad. The ending usually defines the book for me and the ending was good. I'll definitely be reading book 2. Though I must add, it did take forever for the two characters to get together. I mean if you have the patience to read that, go for the book. The chapters aren't very long either, which I don't really mind. The author is definitely talented to write a whole book at 13!

Feb 21, 2022 rated it really liked it
The world in this book is pretty messed up and at first it was hard to read about humans as pets and slaves (though it totally makes sense for vampires to dominate that way).

Thankfully the book quickly moves away from that very harsh behavior and instead becomes easier to read.
Overall it is a very quick read with some errors here and there and not the most original plot but non the less enjoyable.

I loved Khloe and Nico together, their story is as sweet as it is interesting.

Sadia's Virtual Bookshelf
Can I say that I kinda liked this as much as I loved reading the whole vampire diaries series, because I definitely felt so.

The story line was so amazing, not a cliche or very hypothetical.

Both the characters were amazing and Nico damn that guy has got my heart completely to himself. He's even more perfect than any human out there.

I absolutely loved the plot, the writing style is just so beautiful.

It couldn't be any more better.

Can I say that I kinda liked this as much as I loved reading the whole vampire diaries series, because I definitely felt so.

The story line was so amazing, not a cliche or very hypothetical.

Both the characters were amazing and Nico damn that guy has got my heart completely to himself. He's even more perfect than any human out there.

I absolutely loved the plot, the writing style is just so beautiful.

It couldn't be any more better.

3.5⭐️ Keeping in mind this was initially written by the author when they were 13, it was quite good! The grammar errors were easy to over look when the storyline sucked 🧛‍♂️🩸 you in! It was a well executed slow burn 🔥 romance. I look forward to reading book 2 (Love & Loss) to find out the rest of Khloe's story.
Jul 22, 2022 rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. 5/5📚 0/5🌶
I totally love Nikolas❤️
This is the first book were the male main character doesn't do something stupid and hurts the female main character. But is a nice and loving boyfriend. There is not one bad thing to say about Nikolas or Khloe both have such a great personality and chemistry

I love everything about this book❤️

•(sexual) assault

Jun 12, 2021 rated it really liked it
A different take on the vampire genre IMO and I really enjoyed it. It's a slow burn romance that will want you asking for more and delivers in the end.

Looking forward to reading the sequel to this.

A different take on the vampire genre IMO and I really enjoyed it. It's a slow burn romance that will want you asking for more and delivers in the end.

Looking forward to reading the sequel to this.

Apr 28, 2021 rated it really liked it
Krystal Girdler
Loved this book! Wonderful read.
It's a great book. Definitely makes you feel unusual things!! It's a great book. Definitely makes you feel unusual things!! ...more
Tsukiko Haruka
It wasn't bad, but it need an editor. It wasn't bad, but it need an editor. ...more
Its a pretty nice book... Also in the starting of the book we can see the chemistry between the master and the pet, according to me if the vampire world would have been a secret it would be great..
Jun 05, 2022 rated it liked it
Very vanilla but i do like the dynamic between human and vampire in this book
Scream for Books
This book needs major TW. Very dark vampire romance, read with caution.
Aug 13, 2022 rated it liked it
⭐- 3
Reread from when I was a teen. There's not much happening (extremely slow burn), it's just cute I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
⭐- 3
Reread from when I was a teen. There's not much happening (extremely slow burn), it's just cute I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
Sarah Leather
Jul 19, 2021 rated it it was amazing
I found this story on Wattpad, it's free to read on the app. I became totally engrossed in this story and could not stop reading it until Id finished it. I will read the second book. I found this story on Wattpad, it's free to read on the app. I became totally engrossed in this story and could not stop reading it until Id finished it. I will read the second book. ...more

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